Jane Goodall Reflects on Working Toward Peace

As we move into this millennium it is easy to be overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness. We humans have destroyed the balance of nature: Forests are being destroyed, deserts are spreading, there is terrible pollution of air, earth, and water. Climate is changing, people are starving. There are too many humans in some parts of the world, overconsumption in others. There is human cruelty to "man" and "beast"
alike; there is violence and war. Yet I do have hope. Let me share my four reasons.
Firstly, we have at last begun to admit to the problems that threaten the survival of life on earth. And we are problem-solving creatures. Our amazing brains have created modern technology, much of which has greatly benefited millions of people around the globe. Sadly, along with our tendency to overreproduce, it has also resulted in massive destruction and pollution of the natural world. But can we not use our awesome problem-solving ability to now find more environmentally friendly ways to conduct our business? Good news: It's already happening as hundreds of industries and businesses adopt new "green" ethics. And we must play our part-in our billions we must adopt less-harmful lifestyles. Refuse to buy products from corporations that do not conform to new environmental standards. We can change the world.
Secondly, nature is amazingly resilient. Given the chance, poisoned rivers can live again. Deforested land can be coaxed-or left-to blossom again. Animal species, on the verge of extinction, can sometimes be bred and saved from a few individuals.
My third reason for hope lies in the tremendous energy, enthusiasm, and commitment of young people around the world. Young people want to fight to right the wrongs, for it will be their world tomorrow-they will be the ones in leadership positions, and they themselves will be parents. This is why the Jane Goodall Institute started Roots & Shoots, an environmental education and humanitarian program for youth. Roots creep under the ground to make a firm foundation. Shoots seem small, but to reach light they can break brick walls. Hope-millions of roots and millions of shoots can break through, break all the problems humans have created, make change. Roots & Shoots groups, from kindergarten to college, work to make the world a better place for animals, the environment, and the human community. The central message of Roots & Shoots is that every individual matters, every individual has a role to play, every individual makes a difference.
My fourth reason for hope lies in the indomitable nature of the human spirit. There are so many people who have dreamed seemingly unattainable dreams and, because they never gave up, achieved their goals against all the odds, or blazed a path along which others could
So let us move into this millennium with hope-with faith in ourselves, in our intellect, in our indomitable spirit. Let us develop respect for all living things. Let us try to replace violence and intolerance with understanding and compassion. And love.

A Note From Photographer Michael Collopy

When traveling, Jane shares "objects of hope" with the people she meets. Among these is a shard of limestone from Robin Island, where Nelson Mandela labored for seventeen of his twenty-two years in prison. This shard remains a potent symbol of what is possible, as Jane never thought apartheid would end without bloodshed.
Another item is a simple wooden comb made by a Tanzanian leper who lost all his fingers and toes before the disease was checked. He weaves the strands of wool with his stumps and teeth, decorating the combs so he can sell them and live with dignity instead of begging.
Perhaps the most popular object is Jane's mascot, Mr. H, the chimp shown here with the banana. Mr. H was made by Gary Haun, who lost his eyesight at twenty-five while in the U.S. Marines. Gary decided not to let his blindness spoil his life and so became a magician who performs for children. He is so
good that the children don't realize he's blind. Jane has brought Mr. H to twenty-nine countries, and he has been touched by more than 150,000 people.



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